Essential Keys of Internal Power – Master Richard Clear



Essential Keys of Internal Power – Master Richard Clear


Essential Keys of Internal Power – Master Richard Clear

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Essential Keys of Internal Power – Master Richard Clear

Results Guaranteed

“Mind-Over-Muscle” Power!

Get Internal Power by Watching a Video

What if you could WATCH A VIDEO on Internal Power and get the results,

in real-time?

Thanks to a unique Online Course, you could have TEN TIMES more “juice”

than you had on your best day before…

…All by harnessing the Power of your MIND.

1. Just watch along with the video,

2. Do the simple exercises (the best you can),

3. And you WILL have a Mind-over-Muscle breakthrough!

Once you tap into your Mind-Body Connection…

…you possess an uncanny strength that looks like magic!

This is real-world power you can use to push, pull, and lift more

than you ever could before (and even hit harder!)

But the best part of INTERNAL POWER is that it can work for practically anyone –

– because Internal Power DOES NOT require big muscles!

Think of it as “Mind-over-Muscle.”

And when you get it going on, the results can be pretty wild!

How much Internal Power can you get Online?

Thanks to the wisdom and pioneering spirit of one renegade

Tai Chi Master…

–In less time than a round of Golf, you will be able to:

​Send a grown man flying across the room with a light touch! (Well, it feels like a light touch to you… That’s in Lesson 10)

Hold Your Ground: When anyone tries to push you, they can’t budge you an inch. Even forceful shoves have no effect on you! (When you use the secret in Lesson 17…)

Put the Strength of Ten Men at your fingertips! Use your Mind-Body Connection (and everything in Lesson 7) to find your personal best “stance” for expressing Internal Power (it is almost certainly NOT what you would think!)

​Use the Chinese secret of “Soong” (Relaxed, Soft Power) that makes your partner feel like he’s “Wrestling with a Bear.” (It won’t be a secret anymore, once you’ve seen Lesson 12)

​Access the Mind-Body secret of “Root” Power that makes Gravity your ally (Lesson 14) and turns Planet Earth into your Internal Power fuel source! (Lesson 15)

​Tap into “The 3 Powers” of Tai Chi to Exponentially MULTIPLY your newfound Mind Over Muscle Power! (In Lesson 18)

​Get greater and stronger levels of Internal Power over time (with the quick tips in Lesson 25)

And you can do it all SOLO, completely by yourself –

So the source of your new power will be YOUR little secret!


Because this is Internal Power, it is GREAT for your health!

–When you put all the pieces together, you’ll notice:

​You need less sleep but still wake up feeling refreshed and ready for action!

You have energy throughout the day that doesn’t fade, so you can get more done and still feel like yourself when you get home.

This kind of Internal Power naturally boosts your immune system, which means you’ll get sick less often and a lot less severely

​You can focus and get things done more efficiently, which means less stress at work and more free time at home!

​The strength of body and fortitude of mind that you get from Internal Power gives you new levels of well-earned confidence (that shows)

Essential Keys of Internal Power – Master Richard Clear

Essential Keys of Internal Power - Master Richard ClearThe Essential Keys of Internal Power teaches the most essential building blocks of Tai Chi and building internal power.

You will learn
  • How to train and apply Sung
  • Zhong Ding
  • The 3 Powers
  • Full Body Breathing
  • And many more skills that are necessary to generate real internal power through push hands and combat applications.

Only today, Essential Keys of Internal Power – Master Richard Clear – Price $57. You will be supported lifetime. Don’t forget to sign up to receive the email, and earn even more rewards.

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